Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Very Definition of Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton has been floating the idea of the Dream Ticket, with her and Barack Obama jointly going against John McCain in the fall, ever since she scored wins in Ohio, Rhode Island and the Texas primary last Tuesday.

And yet, at the same time, she derides him for not being prepared to be President.

The VP slot is for someone who can take the reigns of power at a moment’s notice and make quick decisions and take action if necessary. If a sitting President was, for whatever reason, removed from that seat, it would certainly be some form of a crisis situation, something to an extreme that even an elected sitting President may not have to deal with.

So she thinks Obama would be fit for that type of circumstance, but not fit to be electable to the seat itself.

This is nothing more than Hillary Clinton trying to position herself in the media as the person best suited to be the nominee, even though, as of today, over 600,000 more people, representing 150 more delegates have said they prefer Barack Obama.

It is an arrogant and conceited position to take, basically saying this would be the option she is going to push for come the convention, when she will attempt to get the party elders to nullify everything that has happened up to this point.

I hope the media and the voters can wake up to the fact that Hillary Clinton is very much like Mike Huckabee for the Democrats, as she is all but mathematically eliminated from this race, but blindly soldiers on, despite everything staring her in the face that she has already lost.

Someone in the form of a Bill Richardson, or a Nancy Pelosi, or even maybe Al Gore, needs to step in and call this thing for Obama, and eliminate the idea that Hillary has a viable shot at this nomination without using a backroom pressure deal to get it done.

We'll probably see this thing at least go on to Pennsylvania, where maybe Barack can put this all to bed without having to get messy at the convention, but I have a bad feeling Hillary is going to go so negative between now and then that Obama will have more than a few chinks in the armor once he gets to actually take on John McCain in November. When Clinton is going around saying her and McCain have the experience to do the job and Obama doesn't, that damages him much more than if McCain simply says it, and it gives the old man plenty of fodder to sling at the young reformer come the general election.

I don't know if the rumors being thrown around about Hillary sabotaging Obama so she can take another swing at the Oval Office against McCain in 2012 are true, but I sure hope they're not, because that is a horrible thing to doom hundreds of millions of people to just to be able to serve your own ego and ambition.

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